
Minimum standard for the security of information and communication technology in wastewater companies

Titelseite Minimalstandard Abwasser d.JPG

Minimalstandard Abwasser (PDF, 932 kB, 18.03.2021)

This minimum standard is only available in German.

Any malfunction of critical infrastructures is particularly problematic for modern society. The ICT systems used in critical infrastructure are very sensitive to disruptions. The minimum standard of ICT in wastewater treatment is intended to support companies in the wastewater industry in avoiding ICT disruptions, or in remedying them quickly. This is an industry document that contains recognised guidelines and recommendations for improving ICT security.

These guidelines and recommendations have been developed step by STEP and will be updated regularly in the future. The minimum standard of ICT in wastewater treatment is basically intended for all companies involved in the treatment of wastewater. The recommendations are implemented voluntarily by the companies in the industry based on self-regulation.

The FONES, the FOEN, the VSA/FES, GRESE and the cantons support the introduction of the ICT minimum standard for wastewater and its application throughout Switzerland.


Last modification 05.12.2023

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